Friday, March 28, 2008


I will say it upfront right now. I am an Arizona Diamondbacks fan. No matter how much trash talk i get, and believe me I'm used to it living near so many Dodger fans(sick), I don't care. I will probably write about my views on baseball a lot and i enjoy hearing others no matter how wrong they are. *(If you haven't discovered yet, I can be very sarcastic)*.

To bring in the season properly, my friend who is a hard core Angel fan has invited me to the Angels' home opener against the Rangers. I'm not really an Angel fan or even an American League fan. However he is my friend and I have to deal with it and who am I to complain, I'm going to the Angels' home opener for free. I'll put my biased thoughts aside and cheer on his Angels. So hear it goes:

- *Cough*cough* go angels *cough*cough*
- Did you say something
- No

I'm Here Now

This is my first post and that is all it will be. I will post anything that I want to and no one can do anything about it. Hahaha. I hope you enjoy my thoughts on whatever and if you don't, let me know. I enjoy having arguments.

Have fun!