Monday, December 22, 2008

Yeah, I'm Good

Yesterday, all the future soldiers in my battalion got together for a battalion function. In all, there were about 300 future soldiers that showed up. We had some competitions between our five companies. Some of the competitions were: push-ups, sit-ups, volleyball, "grenade" toss, and tap-out drill and ceremonies.

The only event that I competed in was the tap-out drill and ceremonies event. Everyone who was there had to at least try, but that was the one event where I knew I could do well. Out of all 300 future soldiers who started, I finished in a tie for third. I glad that I did as well as I did, however I should have done better after three+ years in AFJROTC. The order of commands that I was eliminated on were as follows; "present arms", "group attention". For those who don't understand what that means, I'll explain. "Present arms" tells the soldier to salute. The only command that can follow "present arms" is "order arms", and that tells the soldier to lower the salute and resume the position of attention. So, when the group commander said "group attention", i started to lower my salute and that is what eliminated me.

That was the highlight of the battalion function for me. Not much else to report right now.


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